There are several reasons as to why individuals decide on getting a loan. Most usually, individuals get loans to consolidate their standing debts as a way of attempting to lessen their debt level and/or to become free of debt more quickly. For instance, accident loans, such as by American Pride Auto Accident Loans, aid clients to pull through and get back on track prior to the finalization of their case. Accident loans are ingenious financial tools that get individuals the money they need immediately.

Perhaps you require a certain amount of extra cash to pay some bills, and necessitate the use of collateral to take out a secure loan, maybe a business opportunity has opened up that you desire to venture into but lack the funds needed to start, or probably you simply require a short-term collateral loan to keep afloat for the succeeding few months. So what could you utilize as loan collateral?

Gemstones as Collateral

Aside from utilizing real estate, automobiles, machinery and equipment, insurance policies, and investments as loan collateral, you could also make use of your valuables and collectibles, such as gem stones. In terms of gemstones, majority of individuals think of sapphires, rubies and emeralds, but gemologists have identified thousands of exceptional, stunning, and costly colored stones across the globe. Here are a few common and rare gemstones that certain lenders accept as collateral:


Any loose diamonds could be a terrific collateral. Of course, smaller stones that are under .50 ct would make it more difficult to obtain a loan on compared to stones sizing more than a carat. It would also help if the stone would have a grading certificate. This lets your lender to match your grading with their gemologistā€™s grading and assessment.

Colored Stones (Sapphires, Rubies, Opals, Tourmaline)

If the lender or loan shop has skilled staff, they will willingly take precious colored gemstones of different cuts as collateral. Similar to diamonds, it would help having grading certificates that a gemologist could parallel with to simplify the process of giving maximum value of loan that you could get for the gemstone.

Jade or Jadeite

Jade is a magnificent mineral that is typically a bold opaque green, though it could also be in pink, lavender, black and white in color. Frequently jade is mistaken with nephrite, this gemstone was one time regarded as more prized than silver and gold. Jade that is of high quality could sell for over $10,000 for every carat.

Padparadscha Sapphire

Padparadscha Sapphire is a superb sapphire that is characterized by its unique color. Typically, this type of sapphire is a bright shade between pink and orange. Padaparadscha that is natural and untreated could fetch incredible prices. For instance, in 2011 the rare sapphire sold for $52,960 per carat. This was the highest price of per carat this gemstone has seen.

Post Author: Ness Delma

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