It’s human nature to pursuit money and work hard for it. Regardless if it is by means of immovable property, land, buying gold, investing in mutual funds or stock options or any other form of asset creation.

For quite some time, gemstones have been the preferred way to make chunks of cash into a compact asset that could be brought in your palms. This is a veritable asset in which value shoots up depending on the history it carries. The historical values that colored gemstones have only mean that its worth will increase at staggering figures. While we all know that diamonds are marketed well enough and a popular investment option, colored gemstones can easily steal its spot.

Look Beyond the Surface

You may say that… “Wait what? They are not even that popular. How does it happen?” Whether you believe it or not, they packed more value than those diamonds and its “per carat” sale value overshadows the more popular material tenfold.

Let me give you an example, unheated Burmese Ruby that has 8.62 carats was sold easily for 3.62 million dollars in 2006 at Christie’s. If we’re going to look at it, the unheated Burma Ruby was sold at 420,000 dollars per carat, setting a new world record.

This is the same reason why many people are not afraid to go to Zebra Loans, a NZ loan lender to apply for a loan and use it as an investment for these precious stones. After all, it is easier to pay the amount on a monthly basis than procuring the need price at once.

Is this a Viable Option?

Gemstone with at least 2 carats and above is a pleasing contender for investment category. This can set a market value north of 3000 dollars. It certainly carries a rarity factor guaranteeing handsome returns. These precious stones are attractive investment option especially among aesthete who is after the taste of finer and luxurious things – more so if it will be examined by a connoisseur.

It looks as the ideal option particularly when there are movements in areas like:

  • Real estate
  • Mutual funds and bonds
  • Fluctuating dollar value

If you are afraid of its sudden and unexpected movements, then migrating to gemstone investments may just be a smart idea. These stones are product of nature and took hundreds and millions of years for it to form its beautiful shape. It’s not like engineered making its rarity, durability, incredibility and uniqueness worth millions.

Post Author: Shawnee Sabryna

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