Many aren’t aware of the considerations when buying or investing in Gemstones. Here are a few things we should consider when investing in these precious gems:
- Quality of cut. To check, take a stone and check if the facets line up on the surface of the gem. Take note that a standard brilliant round or oval stone is the best stone. Check for it’s luster. Check if it is symmetrical and if the facets are all aligned. It is important to look into the bottom or the pavilion of the stone. You can easily determine if the stones are hand cut or not. Look for fractures, this are hair line cracks inside the stone.
- Color. Investors usually buy gemstones that are clean. Transparency is another quality an investor looks into. It should be flawless inside. You should be able to see right through it. It should look like a glass with color. Hazy or translucent gemstones are usually cheaper. Also consider the gemstones color saturation.
3 different parts of color in gemstones:
- Color Hue. Basic recognizable color that we see.
- Color Tone. This refers to the different degree of lightness or darkness of the gemstones color.
- Color Saturation. This refers to the strength or intensity of a basic hue.